History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Evaluation of morphological evidence of Telocyte influence during skeletal muscle formation in rat using anti-CD34

Alwan T.S
Al-Nahrain University, Medical College /Department of Human Anatomy/Iraq
Alhabib M.F
Al-Nahrain University, Medical College /Department of Human Anatomy/Iraq


The word "telocyte" was first used in the scientific press a few years ago to refer to a "new" cell type that Popescu and Faussone-Pellegrini had discovered in the connective tissue of various organs (2012). Since then, 368 papers have been published that use the term "telocyte," 261 of them in the last five years. These figures highlight the scientific community's rising interest in this cell type and the widespread acceptance of the term "telocyte" to describe this interstitial cell.

Many tissues and organs from diverse species have TCs found in them Because TCs play a crucial role in tissue creation, repair, and regeneration as interstitial cells that help putative stem and progenitor cells in stem cell niches in a variety of tissues and organs, it is imperative to fully understand the role of these cells in muscle embryogenesis. Features of immunohistochemistry Recent years have seen the identification and isolation of myogenic cells based on the expression of the CD34 surface receptor, which has historically been utilized as a marker of hematopoietic stem cells.

Currently, many TCs-specific markers have           been proposed.

Considerably, CD34 is the most consistent and widespread marker for a variety of progenitors. In this work, we will employ the abcam Anti CD34 polyclonal antibody, a membrane protein that was first discovered on hematopoietic stem cells and facilitates cell-cell adhesion.

Study's purpose of the current study was for better understand how Telecytes cells contribute to the development of skeletal muscle during the embryonic period of myogenesis, this study design enrolled three groups: The groups of animals are divided to 3 groups Group A: 20 Embryos in their 1st week of gestation. Group B: 20 Embryos in their 2nd week of gestation. Group C: 20 Embryos in their 3rd week of gestation.

paraffin block was prepared & evaluated histologically using NDS, CD34 antibodies, and immunohistochemically using the same tools. Analyzing immunohistochemical reactivity was evaluated using the Aprio Image Scop Program, and statistical analysis for the gathered data was done using the ANOVA test and SPSS.

Keywords: Telocyte influence; skeletal muscle; anti-CD34 ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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