History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Measurement and estimation of the level of omentin-1 in patients with type I and II diabetes in the city of Kirkuk

Ahmed Hawas Ahmed
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Iraq
Abdul Majeed Khorsheed Ahmed
Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure Science, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Iraq



Diabetes represents an imbalance in the process of sugar metabolism,   which leads to an abnormal high level of glucose in the blood Hyperglycaemia for  various reasons, which may be psychological or organic or because of excessive intake of sugars or genetic factors


This study aims to determine serum levels of omentin-1 in patients with type II diabetes and their relationship with retinopathy in patients with type II diabetes

Materials and methods

This study was conducted in the city of Kirkuk during the time period that started from December 2021 until the end of April 2022. The study included drawing blood samples from 100 patients with diabetes (50 patients of the first type and 50 patients of the second type), the age of the first group between 45-64 years, while the second group was aged between 5-16 years of visitors to Kirkuk General Hospital and Children's Hospital of both sexes.  The study also included sampling from 50 healthy individuals selected as people with no chronic diseases.  (25 non-adults under 15 years of age as a control group for type 1 diabetes patients and 25 adults as a control group for type 2 diabetes progression) Venous blood samples were drawn from each person included in the study after taking written consent to participate for determination of omentin ELISA (Biotech, USA)


The study showed that the rate of omintin-1 was 11.45±3.28 ng/ml  in patients with type 1 diabetes, which is significantly lower than the first control group of 16.56±3.66 ng/ml. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P. value: 0.001).  The study showed that the rate of omintin-1 was 16.18±2.83 ng/ml  in patients with type 2 diabetes, which is slightly lower  than the second control group  of 17.86±3.18 ng/ml. The difference between the two groups was insignificant = 0.087 (P. value).  The study showed that the lowest levels of omentin were recorded in patients with type 2 diabetes and retinopathy 13.67±3.65 ng/ml  compared to the type II diabetes group without retinopathy 18.36±4.35 ng/ml and the difference between the two groups was significant


  • The study showed that omentin levels were low in patients with type II diabetes
  • The study showed that  the lowest levels of omentin were in patients with type II diabetes with retinopathy.


  • We recommend that you use omnetin tests to assess the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Measurement of other chemical and hormonal factors in patients with diabetes such as catechins

Keywords: Omentin; Diabetes; Retinopathy; Glucose; Kirkuk ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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